Upgrading PHP 4.3.9 to PHP 5.2.6 Plesk 9

Well, after diggin on the mysql website for the plesk error above ( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-upgrade.html ) , I issued these commands from telnet and it fixed the plesk admin center which started normal:

# mysqlcheck –check-upgrade –all-databases –auto-repair –user=admin –password=youradminpassword

then issue this command:

# mysql_fix_privilege_tables

I got error because of the mysql connection needs the admin user username and password since this is the database user used by plesk, so I issued this command manually:

# cat /usr/share/mysql/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql | /usr/bin/mysql –no-defaults –force –user=admin –password=youradminpassword –host=localhost –database=mysql

Now Plesk is working normal, mysql is working normal, php 5.2.6 is working normal, so everything updated and working.

Will update here if any issue …

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