CrossDomain Flash

Your crossdomain file must be in: https//another_server:4443/crossdomain.xml

and must have:

<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<allow-access-from domain=”baddy” />

I have a flash swf in one http server : http://server1/……
And I want to use LoadVars.sendAndLoad to one script in one https server: https://server2/script.php

I have created a cross domain file accesible in:

with the following:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<allow-access-from domain=”server1″ secure=”false” />

but it doesnt work in IE. It seems like a bug. Because when I put the swf in the https sever (Server2) It doesn’t work neither. but I have tested in FireFox and it works. It is very extrange I dont know what to do. I cant Use XML method because the script wich I call have certains call and return standarts that are not XML. (its interface doesnt deppend of me so It have a established way of calling (POST variables))

Do you have any idea???

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